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Hot, hot August!

August. Hot, hot August. Well, what a busy and sweaty month that was! August is the month in Valencia, that all the Valencians take a 1 month holiday and leave the city because its too hot to work. Bearing this in mind, it bought about two major difficulties for furnishing a guesthouse in August, in Valencia :

1) most the shops aren't open, as everyone is on holiday

2) it is so bloody hot to do anything, yet we have to pull 12/14hour days to finish our project!!

Add into this, most Spanish companies haven't clicked on to the beauty of attracting customers via the Internet, so for us to try and find somewhere to buy furniture and decorations is a task whereby you literally just have to walk the streets and hope you come across something. In 35°c+Additionally, siesta time. You might find somewhere that looks like it might have what you need.... But you've arrived at siesta time, so they're not open. And won't be for another 2+ hours. But it's the other side of the city and so you decide to go back the next day, but oh, its a tuesday, so they're not open all day. You get my point.

Add on to that, we don't speak Spanish. Yes, that's our problem and we can't expect everyone to speak English, but figuring all this out in another language is tough...Add to that, Amazon doesn't deliver the same as the UK, they have a much smaller range of products and much longer delivery times, as well as my phone not translating half the time so I have to guess what I'm buying to an extent...

Add to that... We have 3 weeks to get a huge house (plus gardens and balcony) ready for our first guests arrival.Finally, we have mostly similar, but sometimes very contrasting ideas of how we want the guesthouse to look, and how to go about achieving that look.

Of course, this meant a lot of sleepless nights, 1 meal a day diet if we were lucky, and severe dehydration!!I must say, considering all the above factors, we really pulled together and pulled this shit off.

We're ready for guests!

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